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Classic Applications


Current Version: 1.0a0

Swirl is a handsome IRC program from Swedish programmer Pelle Johansson, who notes what sets this client apart from the rest: "Its appearance, for one thing, stands out. It's quite different. In fact, most other clients seem to be based upon the old public domain Ircle source. Other features are a new, fast dcc protocol, powerful alias function, and tab completion (for nicks and preset words)." While this initial alpha release is not too stable, keep an eye on this one. The author seems serious about its continued development, although no home site exists for it at the present time.


Also See . . .

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Also, if you have an older Mac, be sure to check out the "Classic" applications page for more options.

Finally, take a look at ALEMIA if you think you know that name of an application, but aren't quite sure.

Of Note . . .

No, I don't accept reviews anymore for these older applications. With the creation of this page in the Orchard's late 2005 redesign, I only accept reviews for currently-developed applications that work on Mac OS X (or later....whatever that might be!!).