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Connectivity Applications

Tango Access

Company Page Home Page Release Notes License:
Commercial; see site.

Current Version: 1.3 (February 20, 2004)

Siemens Subscriber Networks, Inc. (formerly Network TeleSystems and Efficient Networks) produces the Tango Access (formerly TunnelBuilder) secure remote access client that creates encrypted tunnels over the Internet using the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).

Tango Access version 1.3 will now support the new Mac OS X release, version 10.1.4 and higher, through its Installer component. The Tango Access Installer will prompt for a username and password, which it will configure in the Mac OS Remote Access configuration. You can then use the Mac OS native PPPoE component to make your connection. The Tango Access application is not installed on OS X. Future releases of Tango Access will inclue the Tango Access application, communicating over the Mac OS native PPPoE component. Tango Access for Mac supports all current versions of Mac OS starting 8.5 to the current 9.2.x releases.

Tango Access for Mac OS is available for purchase only in quantities of 1000 copies or more.

See the Tango Access for Mac FAQ for more information.

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Related Links

For an interesting and objective third-party view of Apple's networking technology - from MacTCP through Open Transport and beywond - Peter Sichel's Sustainable Softworks page is unparalleled.

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